October 4th, 2011 by Justin
Well we’ve turned the corner from Summer to Fall. The first real rain came yesterday, with the hassle that brings while trying to finish a floor without tracking mud and water all over the place. Luckily Erik and Tim are professionals.
With the new season comes the scramble to get projects done before worse weather, and also some planning for work to be done over the holidays. With any luck, we’ll be as busy as this summer, which would be welcome by all.
April 21st, 2011 by Justin
Well it’s finally in! The Cumaru (Brazilian teak) herringbone pattern floor is nearly done. We installed the majority of the house months ago, but added the finishing touch with a beautiful pattern in the main room. The sanding came directly after, with the homeowner choosing a Royal Mahogany stain by Dura Seal. The pictures below are of the unfinished floor, with some of the finished product coming when we do the final coat in a few weeks.

April 7th, 2011 by Justin
March 2nd, 2011 by Justin
Well we’re finally starting the Brazilian teak (Kumaru) herringbone floor for Doble and Son Construction in Monte Sereno. I have to give many thanks to Bobby Hulter, who put together the design in auto cad for me. I have a few skills, but I needed an engineering ninja, and Bob fit the bill.
We’re getting started on the job tomorrow, so it’ll be a bit before pictures of the finished product arrive, but when they get here, I think you’ll be impressed.
December 28th, 2010 by Wendy
We are pleased to share these photos showing the new logo on our truck.
December 9th, 2010 by Justin
Russell Hardwood Floors recently joined Think Local First Santa Cruz. If you haven’t heard of them, here’s a quote off their site:
“Our Mission
Think Local First – County of Santa Cruz is a network of independent and locally owned businesses and community organizations joining together to promote economic vitality and preserve the unique character of our community.”
The network is a great one, with many of the long standing businesses I grew up with as members. I attended an event at the KSCO radio station, and got the opportunity to talk about our company on air. People in the group do a great job of trying to support the local economy and community, and I took the
October 11th, 2010 by Justin
The #1 Common Red Oak floor I mentioned last week is done, with a mixed stain of Coffee Brown and Spice Brown. The new